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Home / Patient evaluation / Patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma improved their dysphagia and gained weight after taking traditional Chinese medicine

Patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma improved their dysphagia and gained weight after taking traditional Chinese medicine

July 10, 2023

Su Mou, a patient with esophageal cancer treated by Jiaozuo Zhonghai Cancer Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Male, 54 years old, from Wuxuan County, Laibin City, Guangxi Province. More than 10 months ago, due to the symptoms of eating obstruction, Su had an examination in a local hospital and was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the upper esophagus. Su, who believes in traditional Chinese medicine, intends to use traditional Chinese medicine for treatment, but after taking traditional Chinese medicine for 10 months, his cancer symptoms still have not improved. After hearing that esophageal cancer is the strength of our hospital's treatment, Su came to see a doctor. At this time, Su had complications such as difficulty in getting water and rice, spitting white and sticky sputum, chest tightness and pain, acid reflux, constipation, and weight loss. Director Zhang Zhonghai of our hospital formulated a comprehensive treatment plan after learning about Su's condition in detail. After being hospitalized in our hospital and combined with the medicine "Kaidaoling" in our hospital, Su's symptoms of dysphagia improved, and he could eat rice, steamed buns and other staple foods, and the frequency of spit sticky phlegm was reduced, and the symptoms of chest tightness and pain and acid regurgitation were relieved. , the stool returned to normal, and the weight increased by 12 catties.


Patient evaluation