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Home / Patient evaluation / Director Zhang formulated a treatment plan to alleviate the adverse symptoms of swallowing.

Director Zhang formulated a treatment plan to alleviate the adverse symptoms of swallowing.

September 11, 2023

Zhang, a 62-year-old male from Huojia County, Xinxiang City, was treated by Jiaozuo Zhonghai traditional Chinese Medicine Cancer Hospital. A few months ago, Zhang went to the local people's Hospital for swallowing. Pathological examination showed that (esophageal 28-32CM) esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Poorly differentiated carcinoma of the cardia is considered to have squamous differentiation and adenoid differentiation. The daughter was worried that her father would not be able to accept her illness, concealed the truth about her father's cancer, did not allow her father to undergo surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and took traditional Chinese medicine locally for more than 10 days, but the effect was not satisfactory. After the introduction of a kind-hearted person, he came to our hospital to represent his father. The daughter explained her father's condition to Director Zhang Zhonghai: the father had complications such as unfavorable swallowing, poor appetite, spicy throat, abnormal stool and so on. After Director Zhang learned about the patient's condition, he made a detailed treatment plan and told his daughter to let her father take medicine in accordance with the doctor's advice. Zhang took medicine for more than ten days, the adverse symptoms of swallowing improved, the spicy sensation in the throat was alleviated, and the stool was normal. The daughter was very gratified to see that her father was getting better.


Patient evaluation