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What are the symptoms of primary liver lymphoma Can primary liver lymphoma be prevented

August 31, 2023

1. Symptoms of primary liver lymphoma.


The most common manifestations are multiple liver masses, and a few can be single masses. Patients' liver is often enlarged, and there may be no obvious symptoms in the early stage. However, with the progress and aggravation of the disease, there will gradually appear symptoms such as fever, liver pain, upper abdominal mass, fatigue, loss of appetite, yellowing of skin and sclera, abnormal liver function and poor effect of liver protection treatment.

2. Can primary liver lymphoma be prevented?


The pathogenesis and mechanism of primary liver lymphoma are not clear. Therefore, there is no effective method to prevent the occurrence of liver lymphoma. However, as mentioned above, liver lymphoma often coexists with chronic hepatitis B and C, and there may be a certain causal relationship between them. therefore, reducing the occurrence of hepatitis B and C may reduce the occurrence of liver lymphoma to a certain extent. In addition, patients with chronic hepatitis B and C need regular physical examination for liver tumors, usually once every half a year, for early detection and early treatment.

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