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Does fibrous lamellar liver cancer need chemotherapy after operation What are the contents of diet management after liver cancer operation

August 31, 2023

1. Does fibrolamellar liver cancer need chemotherapy after operation?


Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma is less malignant and insensitive to chemotherapy, and generally does not need chemotherapy after operation. However, if the doctor feels that the operation is not satisfactory and the tumor is accompanied by lymph node metastasis around the liver, the probability of postoperative recurrence is expected to be high, so sensitive drugs can be selected for chemotherapy to reduce postoperative recurrence.

2. What is the psychological rehabilitation of fibrous lamellar liver cancer after operation?


The overall effect of fibrolamellar liver cancer treated by surgical resection or liver transplantation is better, and the probability of recurrence and metastasis after operation is small, but there are still patients who are bitter about their own disease, and therefore insomnia, anxiety, fear. This bad psychology will affect the nutrition, immunity and appetite of the patients, which is not conducive to the postoperative recovery of the body. Therefore, medical staff and patients' relatives should give more care, comfort and psychological counseling to patients, encourage patients to participate in more social activities or labor within their ability, distract their attention, and establish more contacts and exchanges with similar patients. to enhance confidence in overcoming the disease.

3. The content of diet management after operation of fibrous lamellar liver cancer.

After the operation of fibrous lamellar liver cancer, the physique is weak, the digestive function is poor, and the nutritional status is often poor, so patients need reasonable diet, combination of work and rest, increase nutrition, can eat food rich in protein, vitamins and easy digestion, and eat more vegetables and fruits. Don't be partial and full. If you have a bad appetite, you can take traditional Chinese medicine or digestive drugs for conditioning.

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